Labeling Regulations of GM Food Products a Review of Existing Systems: South Africa, Kenya, European Union and USA
Policy Briefs
Date of Publication:
Liability & Redress: The Supplementary Protocol to The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Policy Briefs
Date of Publication:
Outcomes Report: AUDA-NEPAD Knowledge Series: The Critical Role of Digital Transformation in Africa in the Post Covid-19 Era: How to Accelerate Application of Practical Digital Solutions at Scale with Impact On Jobs and Livelihoods
Meeting Documents
Date of Publication:
Follow-Up on Controversial Gm Maize Study by Seralini et al: European Food Safety Authority confirms their conclusion that the study is not valid for risk assessment
Policy Briefs
Date of Publication:
The Long-term toxicity study of Roundup herbicide and Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize
Policy Briefs
Date of Publication:
Safety Assessment Strategy for Genetically Modified Food
Policy Briefs
Date of Publication:
Confined field trials in Africa: a key step to safely perform experiments with genetically modified crops
Policy Briefs
Date of Publication:
Environmental Safety Aspects of Biotechnology
Policy Briefs
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Harmonizing Biosafety Regulations in Africa: Surmounting the Hurdles
Biosafety Brief
Date of Publication:
Recent Study Linking GM Foods to Cancer is Withdrawn by Journal- results are deemed “Inconclusive”
Biosafety Brief
Date of Publication: