Dec 05, 2017 | Basic page

Call for Proposals

NEPAD SANBio Mobility Grants - New instruments available

NEPAD SANBio has launched an extension to the mobility grant to include fellowships for candidates in the SANBio Member States. 

The SANBio Mobility Grant offers:

1. Support to candidates on fellowships is for a duration of up to 3 months and may include travel in the region or internationally.

2. Experts in technical or business fields may be invited by host institutions for up to 4 weeks for specific technical assistance to be provided to organisations in SANBio member states

3. Knowledge exchange/peer to peer visits for up to 2 weeks duration includes regional and international meetings as well as seminars or training courses with a specific focus in the areas of health and nutrition and on strengthening the visibility of SANBio network partners.

4. Business development mentorship programmes to support bioscience start-ups for up to two weeks with the aim to support commercialisation of research outputs.

SANBio Network encourages more applications from the region. The Mobility Grant is open until December 2018.

Ten grants to support fellowships worth R 100,000 each for travel support will be awarded up to 31 March 2018.

Enquiries can be directed to and application details can be accessed on, applications can be sent to



Building Skills for Jobs: Call for proposals 2017

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) is pleased to issue this second call for applications for funding of projects related to demand driven Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Building Skills for Jobs supports cooperation between private sector, educational actors and public authorities in Norway and in developing countries.

The overall objective of the programme is that people have job relevant skills. In the long term this is expected to lead to the following impact: More people are employed in the local job market.

Deadline project applications: 6 October 2017 at 15:00 CET

Please note that there are some substantial changes in the eligibility criteria and target countries from last year’s call.

The full call, with a link to the application form, and Guidelines for applicants, can be found at SIU's website.