Results (2013 – 2015) 
Advocacy and Strengthening of Negotiation Capacities on Post-2015 Development Agenda through the Common African Position (CAP):
• The multi-stakeholder framework of engagement specifically enhanced dialogue towards ensuring the required mass to influence the Post-2015 Global Agenda and Development Goals relevant to the Continent;
• This intervention helped strengthen country and regional level negotiating capacities for the effective incorporation and articulation of Africa’s priorities as enshrined in CAP in the final Global SDGs;
• The project enabled the participation of African stakeholders at the Means of Implementation Engagement, 3rd Financing for Development Conference and the UN General Assembly that adopted the new SDGs. This ensured the incorporation of Africa’s development priorities into the new goals through developing essential negotiation capacities;
• Through the CAP/SDGs space on the Africa Platform for Development Effectiveness (APDev), knowledge products and negotiation documents, as well as, policy briefs where successfully disseminated to the African negotiators in New York and kept the continent’s stakeholders informed of the overall process;
• Development and dissemination of post-2015 Policy Briefs on “Financing and Partnerships” and “Structural Economic Transformation and Inclusive Growth”. These are priorities outlined in the CAP and the policy briefs where utilized in the negotiation process for the African continent.
Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC):
• Africa secured the hosting of the 2nd High Level Meeting (HLM) of the Global Partnership. This was attained through robust negotiation and facilitating a common voice from Africa with regards to this critical engagement by the NEPAD Agency. The 2nd HLM will be held in Nairobi Kenya;
• The NEPAD Agency advocated for the full inclusion and participation of Africa’s Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in conducting the 2nd GP Monitoring Exercise. This was a fundamental achievement considering the RECs are the continent’s building blocks with regards to socio-economic transformation;
• The Africa Action Plan on Development Effectiveness (AAP) was granted the status of an official Global Partnership Initiative (GPI) at the Planning Meeting in Brussels. The AAP was developed by the NEPAD Agency in consultation with African multi stakeholders. This has enabled the Agency to successfully mobilize resources towards the implementation of the AAP.


Programme Reference
Country selection
Key Results
Strengthened negotiation capacities of African countries on Post-2015 Development Agenda through the Common African Position (CAP). Africa’s development priorities were mirrored in the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)