Aug 16, 2024 | News

Celebrating the AU Theme of the Year

Celebrating the AU Theme of the Year

“Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality, and Relevant Learning in Africa”

From August 20th to 22nd, 2024, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, AUDA-NEPAD and the African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with Lund University and Nina Jojer Ltd, will host an event celebrating the African Union's 2024 theme: “Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Access to Inclusive, Lifelong, Quality, and Relevant Learning in Africa.” This theme emphasizes the critical role of education in equipping Africans to thrive in the 21st century, a period marked by rapid technological change and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The event will focus on how education and technology can drive Africa's development, with particular attention to artificial intelligence (AI) and international partnerships in higher education under the African Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) programme. It will also highlight the alignment of AU frameworks on education and science, technology, and innovation (STI) with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as Quality Education (SDG 4), Industrialization, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9), and International Partnerships for Sustainable Development (SDG 17).

AI Session: "Shaping Africa's AI Future: Strategies for Inclusive and Collaborative AI Policy Development"

On August 20th, the event will kick off with a session titled "Shaping Africa's AI Future: Strategies for Inclusive and Collaborative AI Policy Development." This session will explore how African countries can develop AI policies that ensure inclusivity and accessibility, especially for rural communities and those with limited resources. The discussions will also address how AI can be tailored to meet Africa’s specific needs, including supporting local languages and addressing unique economic challenges. AUDA-NEPAD, along with partners like Nina Jojer Ltd, IDRC, FCDO, Meta, and Microsoft, will engage with government officials and think tanks to promote AI integration into national strategies, aligning with the AU’s focus on building resilient education systems. The session aims to establish a clear path for AI in Africa, ensuring that the technology supports the continent’s broader goals of social and economic development.

Focus on International Partnerships and Sustainable Development


Celebrating the AU Theme of the Year

August 21st and 22nd, the focus will shift to the legacy of ASTII, with 25 alumni from AU member states empowered by AUDA-NEPAD and Lund University on STI measurement, policies, transformation, and resilience for sustainable development. The event will also feature the award of a EUR 12 million grant for the Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) to 20 African innovators from KFW-GIZ.

These last two days will align with the 10-year AU-EU Innovation Agenda, the SDGs, STISA-2024, and CESA 16-25 through the "Africa-European Union Tertiary Education International Partnerships for Innovation and Technology." This part of the event will explore how partnerships between African and European universities can drive technological innovation. The African Union’s 2024 theme of building resilient education systems will again be at the forefront, highlighting the need to strengthen Africa’s higher education institutions to produce graduates who are ready to lead in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

One key initiative to be discussed is AUDA-NEPAD’s ASTII, which has been instrumental in helping African countries develop tools needed for effective technology and innovation policies. Since 2007, ASTII has supported over 40 African countries in building their capacities to measure and track progress in science, technology, and innovation. This work is critical as it allows countries to identify areas of progress and where further efforts are needed, ensuring development that is both sustainable and inclusive.

In focusing on international partnerships, particularly between Africa and the European Union, the event will highlight the significant contributions of Sweden, through the ASTII programme since 2007. These partnerships, expanding beyond Sweden, have enabled AUDA-NEPAD to help African universities and research institutions access resources, expertise, and technology essential for competing globally. The AU-EU Innovation Agenda, which supports joint research projects, knowledge exchange, and capacity-building initiatives, will be a central topic of discussion, particularly in the context of driving innovation in Africa under five priority areas: public health, green transition, innovation and technology, capacities for science, and cross-cutting issues.

A notable partnership to be highlighted is the collaboration between AUDA-NEPAD and Lund University in Sweden with the new “ASTII Phase 4” postgraduate module on "Innovation, Transformation, and Resilience for Sustainable Development." Fully funded by Sweden, this course is designed to train African officials from 2022 to 2025 in skills needed to drive innovation and sustainable development. This postgraduate program exemplifies how international collaboration can directly support the goals of the African Union, particularly in the context of its 2024 theme.

For AUDA-NEPAD, this event presents an opportunity to build and strengthen partnerships that will have a lasting impact on Africa’s development. By aligning with the African Union’s 2024 theme, AUDA-NEPAD is ensuring that the continent’s education and technology sectors are prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The partnerships formed during this event, particularly with European counterparts, will be crucial in accelerating the implementation of key initiatives like the AU-EU Innovation Agenda and the broader AU Agenda 2063.

Discussions at this event will also address challenges that African countries face in developing and implementing effective policies for science, technology, and innovation. One recurring issue is the "brain drain," where talented professionals leave Africa for better opportunities elsewhere. By fostering stronger ties with European institutions and creating opportunities for collaboration, AUDA-NEPAD hopes to retain more of this talent within Africa, where it can contribute to the continent’s development. Moreover, as a part of AUDA-NEPAD’s ongoing work in supporting innovation across Africa, 20 innovators will be awarded for their role in bringing the positive change Africa needs.

In conclusion, the upcoming event in Addis Ababa, inspired by the African Union’s 2024 theme, is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of education and technology in Africa. Discussions on AI and international partnerships will help ensure that Africa is prepared to fully embrace the opportunities of the 21st century. Through these engagements, AUDA-NEPAD and its partners will lay the groundwork for a more connected, informed, and empowered African continent, ready to take its place on the global stage.

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