
Report: 1st Inception Think Tank Conference

Report: 1st Inception Think Tank Conference

The AUDA-NEPAD Policy Bridge Tank program successfully hosted its inaugural Inception Think Tank Conference in Addis Ababa from January 10-11, 2024. Themed “Africa Futures”, this significant event was a collaborative effort with the African Futures and Innovation (AFI) program. The conference centered around Africa’s development prospects, aligning with the visionary Agenda 2063.

During the conference, there was a strong emphasis on capacity building within RECs, research institutions, and think tanks. Participants discussed the critical need for sustained investment in training opportunities, resources, and support for researchers and policymakers. These efforts aim to enhance their skills in foresight and data analysis, policy formulation, and strategic planning.

The Policy Bridge Tank program played a pivotal role in supporting AUDA-NEPAD initiatives. It underscored the importance of focusing on catalytic priorities to achieve the ambitious goals set forth in Agenda 2063. Visionary leadership, strategic investments, and the active involvement of youth were also highlighted as essential components for Africa’s transformation.

Overall, the conference served as a dynamic platform for fostering evidence-informed engagement and advancing Africa’s journey toward a brighter future.