Nov 29, 2017 | Project

Consortium Six S Grapes (Groupe de Recherche Action pour la Promotion Économique et Sociale)

Strengthening the capacity of women to participate in local governance in the Kati Circle

Republic of Mali

Amount: € 175,370.00


Despite legislation for decentralized public participation in the governance of the Republic of Mali, the level of involvement of women in rural areas is weak. Thus, Consortium Six S Grapes project sought to overcome this by promoting the rights of women in forty rural villages through behaviour change, and the provision of capacity building training and workshops. The project thus addressed Aspiration 3 of Agenda 2063, an Africa of good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law and Aspiration 6, an Africa where development is people-driven, unleashing the potential of its women and youth.

Key Results

Through advocacy conducted by Consortium Six S Grapes, over the past few years, there has been an increase in the participation of rural women in governance in Mali. The life history of one participant of Consortium Six S Grapes training sessions Mrs Kèmè Toure reflect the success of the project.

  • Mrs Kèmè Toure, a native of Manfara is 51 years old, married with six children and owner of a small business and market garden. Mrs Toure left school at the 8th grade to get married. To enable her involvement in governance she has been campaigning to become a representative of a political party since the advent of democracy in Mali. Because of the small population of her village, she was never able to register on a list of candidates of her chosen party.  Mrs Toure participated in training sessions organised by the “Consortium Six Grapes” where she received leadership skills training. Mrs Toure is an active leader in a political party, in women's associations and plans to use her new skills in enhancing the skills of other women in her community.

That is one example, Consortium Six Grapes started in 2013 and has trained 40 women leaders and reached 3000 women and 500 men in 50 villages.

  • A total number of 1,560 women benefited from income-generating cooperatives, associations that engage in activities, such foodstuffs, cattle raising and seed production. Using this credit line, the beneficiaries were able to generate a net profit of 3,507,525 FCFA.
  • Credit provision continues in the villages even after the end of the project through reinvestment of income generated by these activities. Credit activities have been a centre of interest and reason for the regular holding of village cooperative meetings.