Jul 31, 2024 | Tenders

Procurement for the Provision of Design, Layout, Copy Editing, and Proof-Reading Services for AUDA-NEPAD Framework Contract for a Period of Three (03) Years.

RFB _ Bidding Document_Framework_Copying Editing.pdf

Lot 1: Design & Layout 

Lot 2: Copy Editing and Proof Reading

Procurement Number: 109/AUDA/OCEO/COMMS/RFB/2024

The AUDA-NEPAD has allocated funds and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards payments under Call-off Contracts that may be awarded under the Framework Agreements (FAs) for above listed services concluded through this RFB Primary Procurement process.

The AUDA-NEPAD is undertaking Primary Procurement with a view to concluding Framework Agreements. The AUDA-NEPAD is the sole Purchaser under the Framework Agreement[s]. The AUDA-NEPAD now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for the Provision of Design, Layout, Copy editing and Proof-Reading Services for a Period of Three (3) years.

The Framework Agreement(s) to be concluded may be Multi-User for all the African Union Organs and specialised institutions.

The Framework Agreements to be concluded will be “Multi-Supplier.”

The selection of the FA Supplier to be awarded a Call-off Contract will be done through a Secondary Procurement process as defined in Framework Agreement. However, the conclusion of a Framework Agreement shall not impose any obligation on the Procuring Agency, including participating Purchasers, to purchase Goods and Services under a Call-off Contract. The conclusion Framework Agreement does not guarantee that a FA Supplier will be awarded a Call-off Contract.

Bidding is open to all suppliers and service providers who can demonstrate that they have provided similar services for the past three (3) years.

Bidders may submit Bids for one or more lots.

All bids must be valid for 120 days.

The Framework Agreements shall be concluded for a Term of Three (3) years from the commencement date stated in the Framework Agreement.

The Primary Procurement shall establish a Closed Framework Agreement(s).

Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from AUDA-NEPAD Contact Person (Mr. Nhamo Simuka) email: nhamos@nepad.org Tel: +27 11 256 3600.

A complete set of the bidding documents in English may be downloaded (in read-only form) from the AUDA-NEPAD website (www.nepad.org/tenders) by interested bidders.

Bids must be delivered in both hard and soft copies to the address below on or before August 23, 2024 14:00 hrs (South Africa time)

Electronic bids must be submitted to procurement@nepad.org  and samples need to accompany every original submission made for the categories specified.  

Late Bids will be rejected.

Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address indicated below on August 23, 2023 at 14:15 hrs (South Africa time) at or virtually via MS Teams.

Privacy Policy: AUDA-NEPAD Procurement office collects and uses your personal information for the “Procurement Process” when you intend to compete and deliver any service or goods for the organization either individually or as a firm based on your consent. Your personal data is our highest security and is kept for a period strictly necessary for the purpose set out. This privacy notice supplements the AUDA-NEPAD standard privacy notice and should be read in conjunction with the same available on the AUDA-NEPAD website.

The address(es) referred to above is (are):

The Chairperson,

Internal Procurement Committee (IPC)

Africa Union Development Agency - (AUDA-NEPAD)

(Tender box situated on the ground floor by the reception)

230, 15th Road, P. O. Box 218 Midrand,

1685 Johannesburg, South Africa.

Email: procurement@nepad.org


Attention of: Procurement Division