Technical policy analysis of the National Skills Development Plan 2030

Technical policy analysis of the National Skills Development Plan 2030

NSDP Review Final 19 May 2021.pdf NSDP Review Final 24 May 2021 Annexure A.pdf NSDP Review Final 24 May 2021 Annexure B.pdf

The Skills Initiative for Africa (SIFA) is an AUC and AUDA-NEPAD initiative in partnership with BMZ and the EU. It aims to promote occupational prospects of young Africans through the support of innovative skills development programs and a close cooperation with the private sector as an integral partner in the creation of jobs. The programme works at both a policy as well as a technical implementation support level. A key component of any job creation programme is to have an effective skills development system that progressively supports the reduction of unemployment, poverty and inequality as is very clearly described in the National Development Plan 20303.

Through this report SIFA is supporting BUSA to conduct a policy analysis of NSDP 2030 and all related legislation and regulations with the aim to identifying policy areas that are hampering Business’s participation in skills development and the PSET system. The report will identify and analyse current blockages and make recommendations on those areas of policy that should be changed in order to enhance and support Business’s support of and participation in implementation.