New ACQF Thematic Brief

New African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) Thematic Briefs

ACQF 1_Concepts and definitions.pdf ACQF 2_Competences Frameworks.pdf ACQF_CDP_Thematic Brief_3.1_Level descriptors.pdf ACQF_CDP Thematic Brief_4.1_RQF_3 cases.pdf ACQF_CDP Thematic Brief_6.1_TVET Quality Assurance.pdf ACQF_Thematic Brief_11 Governance NQF.pdf

Thematic brief 1: Concepts
This Glossary of key concepts and definitions is a live resource, to be updated and improved. This version is based on the Glossary of the ACQF Mapping Study (2021) and was complemented with a range of new terms and definitions, such as: Credits, Green Skills, Micro-credentials, National Qualifications System, Recognition, Regional Qualifications Frameworks, RPL, Validation of non-formal and informal learning. Sources are given for each term.

Thematic brief 2: Competence's frameworks
Overview of frameworks of skills and competences: framework on transversal competencies; key competences for lifelong learning; digital skills; entrepreneurship competence.

Thematic brief 3.1: Level descriptors in qualifications frameworks
This thematic brief provides a brief overview on level descriptors and a synthesis of the domains of level descriptors of 24 African Qualifications Frameworks (22 national and two regional). The comprehensive list of legal and technical documents of the mentioned African Qualifications Frameworks is included. 

Thematic brief 4.1: RQFs
Overview of Regional Qualifications Frameworks based on 3 practical examples from different continents: SADC Qualifications Framework (Africa), ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (Southeast Asia) and European Qualifications Framework (Europe).
Thematic brief 6.1: TVET Quality Assurance
Brief mapping of the main features and components of Quality Assurance frameworks for TVET proposed by different regional and international organisations. The mapped cases are from: African Union’s CESA 2025 and Plan of Action TVET 2028; European Union’s EQAVET; UNESCO’s quality assurance for TVET qualifications in the Asia-Pacific; Quality assurance guidelines of SADCQF; ETF’s approach to quality assurance of TVET and Toolkit Getting organised for better qualifications. 

Thematic Brief_11 Governance NQF: Governance and Management of NQFs
This brief explores different models of NQF governance, with emphasis on the role of legislation, institutions, stakeholders, and quality assurance. Effective NQF governance needs to take account of the wider qualifications eco-system.