
Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Trainig (JOVACET)

Journal of Vocational, Adult and Continuing Education and Training (JOVACET)

Exciting news: The Institute for Post-School Studies (IPSS) at the University of the Western Cape launched a new academic journal- Journal for Vocational and Continuing Education and Training (JOVCET).  The journal aims to address the under-developed and marginalised nature of research in vocational and continuing education across the African continent. Creating a platform from which new knowledge in the field can be disseminated, and ideas about practice can be debated and interrogated. 

The foreword for this Journal was written by George Afeti, the Chairman of the African Union Continental TVET Expert Group.

Foreword Title: Revitalising Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Africa:  Issues outstanding

The foreword examines the challenges and importance of revitalising TVET in Africa, highlighting 10 inhibiting factors/issues that need to be addressed, including

  • Moving from system reform to system improvement
  • Assessing the influence of globalisation on national skills development strategies
  • Placing equal emphasis on both the social and the economic dimensions of TVET.
  • Modernising the informal skills development sector
  • Aligning training policy to national macroeconomic policies
  • Factoring flexibility and lifelong learning into TVET provision
  • Integrating ICT and technology-mediated learning into TVET
  • Revamping the agricultural and manufacturing sectors
  • Prioritsing TVET research
  • Acquiring skills for the future of work

To access the full journal, visit the JOVACET website: