
Job Center Toolkit (ILO)

2021-07-14-Toolkit_EN_final.pdf 2021-07-14-Toolkit_FR_final.pdf
The Guidelines address the particular issues involved in establishing effective Job Centres in African and Middle Eastern (MENA) countries. Drawing on good practice from Public Employment Service (PES) delivery models and related literature, they elaborate how to operationalise delivery of employment policy as defined through ILO conventions. The specific employment policy issues and challenges faced by African and MENA countries are addressed, and the implications of these for particular population cohorts are discussed. The four key intervention areas for the establishment of Job Centres: Employment Service Design and Client Management, Job Centre Structure and Processes, Performance Management and Stakeholder Cooperation and Public Private Partnerships are elaborated. The Toolkit presents concepts, tools and examples of good practices providing information for PES management and staff to equip them with knowledge which can be practically applied to support PES in achieving their objectives.