
Integrating ATVET into National Strategies - from Policy to Practice Integrating private enterprises into ATVET delivery

How to integrate private enterprises into ATVET delivery-a toolkit_Element1-Guidelines for cooperation between ATCs and Private How to integrate private enterprises into ATVET delivery-a toolkit_Element2_MoU Exemplar Template_Print How to integrate private enterprises into ATVET delivery-a toolkit_Element3-Policy Brief_Print How to integrate private enterprises into ATVET delivery-a toolkit_Element4-Checklist_Print.pdf How to integrate private enterprises into ATVET delivery-a toolkit_Folder Cover_Print.pdf How to integrate private enterprises into ATVET delivery-a toolkit_Interactive PDF

This set of linked documents in a toolkit draw from the ATVET experience to provide approaches to the integration of private enterprises into ATVET delivery.

 The documents include a Policy Brief on private sector integration, a Checklist for Cooperation between Agricultural Training Centers (ATCs) and Private Enterprises, a set of Guidelines for (ATCs) on how to partner with the private sector to create quality internship programmes, and a sample Memorandum of Understanding which could be adapted for different contexts of integrating private enterprises into ATVET delivery.

For more information contact: Geoffroy Gantoli