Establishing Information systems to Support Employment Governance in Africa (AUC)

Establishing Information systems to Support Employment Governance in Africa (AUC)

20201215_Guidelines AUC_FR_RZ.PDF 20201215_Guidelines AUC_ENG_RZ.PDF
Producing Labour market information constitutes the coordination of multiple statistical research institutions to make data products available to a wide range of differing stakeholders with varying information needs and demands. Labour market information and analysis (LMIA) systems are networks of institutions (persons) with agreed roles to produce and disseminate labour market information and analysis. Well-functioning LMIA systems provide an essential basis for effective employment, labour and skills development policies, and can inform the design, monitoring and evaluation of policies that are better focused and targeted. This guideline outlines an approach on how to establish these systems and why the old systems are no longer adequate in current times.