
Digital platforms used as a quick pivot response to Covid-19 pandemic for Premium print and promotional supplier

Company: Printanything

 “The chameleon changes colour to match the earth, the earth doesn’t change colours to match the chameleon” – Senegalese proverb

The COVID 19 pandemic has left the global community in turmoil. From large corporations to single vendors, no-one has been left unscathed. The growth of technology in Africa has enabled those companies who have embraced it to respond to the pandemic in a positive and productive way.  As the proverb above implies, companies who want to survive have had to change their colours and seize the opportunity to create and catapult their business practices into the future.  One such company is Printanything, based in Abuja, Nigeria. is a digitally enabled, online supplier of premium prints, branded gifts, promotional products and visibility solutions in the form of indoor and outdoor signage.  The company is chiefly youth driven, the average age being 28.  In addition, there is a contingent of temporary staff that are used as required on specific projects.  Pre-COVID, working business to business, they were able to convert multiple leads into business deals.  However, the pandemic changed everything.

Business slowed down dramatically with lockdown.  Leads declined by more than half and customer needs shifted as the whole economy re-focused to deal with the crisis.  The company had to act quickly to keep the business afloat. 

The Innovation was already ahead of the curve as the business was powered by technology.  The adjustment to working remotely was a new protocol for the company and came with its own challenges. For example, dealing with interrupted power supplies, internet costs and finding ways in assisting staff to work remotely.

They decided to adjust their products, as there was an immediate demand for COVID-related medical supplies, and therefore they added a sub-domain on their website called “COVID Ready”.  Work started on developing a range of products, including face masks and shields, posters, protective screens etc., as well as a prototype for a disinfectant tunnel.  This innovative journey led to significant learning experiences.

As a result of this innovative shift, young people were upskilled in critical skills, a disinfectant tunnel was produced through cross-functional team collaboration and awareness was created that products and new markets could be sourced locally. 

The Highs and Lows

The shutdown resulted in work being done remotely.  This presented challenges of its own, including

  • randomly interrupted power supply;
  • costs related to individual internet use;
  • reviewing progress reports and monitoring staff performance;
  • restriction of movement and delivery of products as courier services were unavailable.

In dealing with these challenges, adapted and responded positively to the various crises. Key learning experiences have been:

  • Constantly evolving with the times and being successful in a number of online innovations;
  • The realization that technology is here to stay and because they had the technological edge, they were ahead of the game.

As a consequence of these experiences, has learnt a new way of thinking.  COVID presented unexpected challenges and opportunities and possibly an entirely new way of doing business into the 21st Century.  The whole concept of business has changed and those who survive will be those who are prepared and agile enough to adapt to unanticipated change. has strengthened its resolve to remain sustainable, effectively meet customer demands and constantly upskill staff.