The CAADP Biennial Review

The CAADP Biennial Review - Measuring Progress and Keeping Accountability in Agriculture

The CAADP Biennial Review - Measuring Progress and Keeping Accountability in Agriculture

The Biennial Review Report is a powerful instrument for advocacy at the continental, regional and national levels for triggering the necessary policy actions for agricultural transformation in Africa by 2025. It is not only a reporting exercise to the Heads of State and Government Summit, but also a learning exercise that is important for countries in using the findings of the report to adjust their NAIP implementation, to achieve better results in improving livelihoods and to create shared prosperity for their citizens through agricultural transformation. The Inaugural Biennial Review Report informed Member States and all stakeholders that there is a need to mobilise more resources for technical and financial support from public and private sectors to achieve the goals and targets of the Malabo Declaration by 2025 through the implementation of CAADP. There is a need to improve data collection, data analysis and data management systems for agricultural statistics in order to strengthen M&E systems and to improve evidence-based planning and accuracy of implementation.