Dec 28, 2015 | News

The hopes and aspirations of the continent are embedded in PICI – Infrastructure Ministers agree

Current and pending regional infrastructure projects were today discussed during a Ministerial meeting held at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation Offices in Pretoria, South Africa.

The task team in charge of drafting an outcomes report on the implementation of projects briefed the Ministers on progress made as well as challenges and opportunities.

The Minister of Planning, Performance, Monitoring, Evaluation and Administration, Mr Jeff Radebe reminded all present that the hopes of the continent are embedded in the Presidential Infrastructure Championing Initiative (PICI) for achieving sustainable growth. The initiative must identify and develop effective solutions to all challenges that hinder the implementation of infrastructure projects, he said. 

NEPAD Agency CEO, Dr Ibrahim Mayaki briefed the Ministers on the outcomes of the Technical Task Team workshop held yesterday and also spoke on the level of progress made. He highlighted that despite challenges, PICI projects would provide evidence that the continent is capable of effectively implementing PIDA projects. 

Input from the Ministers included the suggestions that the private sector should be utilised more to raise funds for infastructure development  and that Africa has the potential to work towards being a producer of ICT instead of just being a consumer.  

Upon approval by the Ministers, the final outcomes of the report will be presented to the Heads of State and Government during the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, later this month.

To see more information on the projects, log onto the PIDA Virtual Information Centre at