Aspiration 2

An Integrated Continent, Politically United and Based on the Ideals of Pan-Africanism and a Vision of African Renaissance

Moonshot 2

Africa is more Integrated and Connected
Goal 8
Goal 9
Goal 10

United Africa (Federal or Confederate)

In pursuit of political and economic integration, the continent has made modest progress in increasing the value of intra-African trade, although achieving only 11% of the 2019 target.

Key Continental Financial and Monetary Institutions established and functional

One of the critical interventions towards ensuring that the continent has functional financial and monetary institutions has been fast-tracking the implementation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The overall performance of African Member States on advancing the AfCTA stands at 92% of the target set for 2019. To date, 54 countries have signed and 29 have ratified the AfCFTA. Furthermore, the 12th AU Extraordinary Summit held in Niamey, Niger in July 2019 approved the establishment of the AfCFTA secretariat in Accra, Ghana. In addition, 22 signatures of legal instruments of the African Investment Bank have been registered, while 12 have registered for the African Monitory Fund.

World Class Infrastructure criss-crosses Africa

Africa’s performance in enhancing communication and infrastructure connectivity fell short of the expected targets. Standing at only 29% of the 2019 target value, the continent scored poorly on the implementation of the African High-Speed Rail Network, implementation of protocols on African open skies, and the implementation of the Trans-African Highway Missing Link.

Commendable progress, however, was made in increasing electricity generation and distribution, recorded at 79% of the 2019 target.

Africa’s target of doubling ICT penetration was only achieved partially. At continental-level, the average contribution of ICT to GDP increased moderately, achieving 39% of the 2019 target.