Integrating ATVET into National Strategies - from Policy to Practice

Integrating ATVET into National Strategies - from Policy to Practice

Integrating ATVET into National Strategies-from policy to practice-5 case studies_Booklet_InteractivePDF Integrating ATVET into National Strategies-from policy to practice-5 case studies_Booklet_Print

Agriculture training needs to be mainstreamed into national systems, either by incorporation into existing TVET institutions or by setting up new ones specifically for agricultural TVET. The Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) project has supported efforts to mainstream ATVET in its partner countries for several years.

These interactive and printable booklets provide an overview of the process and some of the strategies that have been used by the ATVET Project with its partners in African countries to highlight the importance of ATVET and place it on the national policy agenda. Five country studies – Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Tunisia – give the key elements of integration of ATVET into policy rather than

providing extensive coverage of all activities, to illustrate various approaches, discuss their impact on policy development and their applications in practice.

For more information contact: Geoffroy Gantoli