Workshop Report: The role of business in strengthening involvement of SMMEs in Work Based Learning

Workshop Report: The role of business in strengthening involvement of SMMEs in Work Based Learning

Workshop Report: The role of business in strengthening involvement of SMMEs in Work Based Learning

The Skills Initiative For Africa (SIFA) in partnership with Business Unity hosted a workshop on the role of Business in strengthening the involvement of SMME's in Work Based Learning in South Africa. The overall purpose of this process is to ensure that business speaks with one voice on skills development and education policy matters and to provide a broad platform for business engagement.

This specific workshop sought to facilitate business’s input into the World Bank Study (in collaboration with DHET) on “Strengthening involvement of SMMEs in Work Based Learning in South Africa”. Discussions focused on the current participation of SMMEs in Work Based Learning, the barriers to participation as well as what policy reforms and incentives could be introduced in order to increase SMME participation.

Download to read the full workshop report 

For more information contact:

Cheryl James