Validation Workshop Report: Mapping of LMIS approaches in Zambia

Validation Workshop Report: Mapping of LMIS approaches in Zambia

Validation Workshop Report: Mapping of LMIS approaches in Zambia

This is a report of the validation of the Mapping of Existing Labour Market Information and Skills Anticipation Institutions, Data Infrastructure, Capacities and Approaches in Zambia which was attended by 32 participants representing government ministries, regulators, professional bodies, chambers of commerce, private sector, education sector and development agencies.

This report contains the proceedings of a workshop attended by stakeholders from government, private sector, employers’ organisation, workers’, NGOs and academia with the purpose of validating the key findings of the Mapping of Existing Labour Market Information and Skills Anticipation (LMISA) Institutions, Data Infrastructure, Capacities and Approaches report for Zambia”.

The meeting began with opening remarks from senior representatives of the International Labour Organization (ILO), African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), Government of Zambia’s Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS), and the German Development Agency - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It was followed by a presentation on key concepts, methodology, findings of the assessment. There was a facilitated discussion to gather feedback of key findings and recommendations which led to a successful validation of the report. The meeting concluded with an outline of next steps.

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