Policy Brief: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa

Policy Brief: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa

Policy Brief: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa Policy Brief: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa

The "Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Africa" policy brief identifies legal, institutional and policy frameworks within the African Union and its Member States that should be exploited to enhance youth entrepreneurship. In order to promote youth entrepreneurship in Africa, the policy brief identifies six interventions:

1. Engaging youth directly in entrepreneurship- related policy-making;
2. Integrating relevant education with entrepreneurship to facilitate entrepreneurship skills
3. Supporting and enhancing an enabling entrepreneurial ecosystem;
4. Employing and supporting smart and effective financing for start-ups particularly for social enterprises addressing a specific gap, niche or problem;
5. Leveraging and strengthening partnerships and collaboration with the private sector and other stakeholders;
6. Promoting gender-responsive programming.

Finally, the policy brief highlights some of the policy implications for the African Union, its Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

The policy brief is available in English and French, download to read the document.