Sep 08, 2020 | News

Liberia: Youth & Sports Minister Government’s Discloses Plans to Carryout Digital Literacy among Youth

Article by: Willie N Tokapah

Youths and Sports Minister D. Zeogar Wilson, has disclosed the government’s plan to improve the skills of young people in Liberia through digital literacy throughout Liberia. Minister Wilson told a gathering at the graduation of students from 24 secondary schools, from the Technology Research In Business and Education (TRIBE), a youth development program at the Ministry of Youth and Sports over the weekend, that the move is part of government post COVID-19 recovery plan.

He said government is making every proactive effort to mobilize resources to aid YouthConnekt Liberia, a partner to TRIBE to execute digital and entrepreneur skill development throughout Liberia. “Today is a first step partnering with TRIBE Liberia and other partners towards ensuring that high school students between Grades 9 to 12 are provided with entrepreneurship and digital literacy training through in-person Master classes, Virtual Online Classes, On-site Visitations and Social Impact Project Development,” Minister Wilson stated in Paynesville.

This, according to him, is intended to inspire the confidence and build the competence of future Liberian entrepreneurs. With these skills which TRIBE Liberia and all its partners have created for a space for these 24 secondary school students, Minister Wilson said these young people are here today, equipped, empowered and prepared to start a business journey to make a difference in their communities. Twenty-four secondary school students have successful completed the five weeks Entrepreneurship and Digital Literacy program track under the Young Entrepreneurs Boot Camp (YEBC).

He furthered: “The Young Entrepreneurs Boot Camp (YEBC) is a very important project because it is in alignment with the eCamp and iForum component under YouthConnekt Liberia.” “YEBC is also an integral component of the YouthConnekt Liberia Post COVID-19 Recover 2020/2021 Annual Work Plan (AWP).”He asserted that the plan seeks to increase the capacity and skills of young men and women for sustainable productivity, employment, and economic transformation to become self-reliant.

Minister Wilson then committed the Ministry of Youth and Sports openness to partnership with organizations which share similar objectives like TRIBE in buttressing government’s efforts in building the capacity of young people. For his part, Technology Research In Business and Education (TRIBE) program manager, Solomon Mahn as an entity, it was important that they help in building Liberia’s future generation, through the platform, they sit on. “We are in a position that can make us see high in the future, so it’s important for us to make good decisions for them,” Mr. Mann averred.

Key among the many components of the training according to him was the provision of access to the workplace of some young entrepreneurs, something that accordingly impressed most of the trainees.t the same time, he called for the support of the parents towards developing these skills which their children have acquired.

In a similar manner, the Chief Executive Officer of Youth Connect, a partner to TRIBE, Joseph M.D Johnson said young people across Africa and the world are currently using technology to solve problems around the world, so Liberia must also be on par with them. “This is a time we cannot just depend on what we make because our future depends on technology,” Johnson said.Mr. Johnson encouraged beneficiaries of the training program to be disciplined, devoted, Diligent, and must-have digital skills.

Meanwhile, the Co-Founder of TRIBE and Administrator, James Kollie explained how important the program looks at changing the dynamic of young people becoming a liability on politicians to improving their skills in entrepreneurship. He named other targets of the program as, training students on the use of various internet platforms like google and zoom, amongst others, before entering colleges. “The hybrid program features some high profile business and entrepreneurs in Liberia. Twenty-six students were recruited, but 21 were able to successfully complete the program,” the minister averred.

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