
Small-Medium Enterprise Trade Academy

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is a development agency that is fully dedicated to supporting the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's). This means that the agency enables SME's in developing and transitioning economies become more competitive and connect to international markets for trade and investment, thus raising incomes and creating job opportunities, especially for women, young people and poor communities. 

ITC offers a series of online courses and access o educational material on a range of trade related topics. The programme aims to provide staff in trade support institutions, enterprises - particularly SMEs and trade policy specialists with access to pragmatic, topical online courses and learning material in support of skills development. Tutored online courses are segmented in three categories: Short Courses ( 2 Weeks), Advanced courses ( 5-8 Weeks) and Certified Programmes (up to 8 months). The course catalogue is constantly enriched by ITC and the first Certificate Programme is being developed. Tutors include both ITC subject matter experts and external guests who often are globally recognized references in their topic of expertise.

Click on the link to join the SME Trade Academy: