Dec 12, 2019 | News

Egypt to Champion Continental Transmission Master Plan

On the margins of PIDA Week 2019 which convened in Cairo, Egypt from 25-29 November 2019, the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD delegation, led by Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, AUDA-NEPAD CEO hosted a Ministerial lunch to discuss the recommendations made by energy experts on the introduction of Competitive Regional Electricity Market in the North African Region. 

During this meeting, Dr Mayaki reminded the guests that the Introduction of Competitive Regional Electricity Market in the North Africa Region is part of the response to the request made to AUDA-NEPAD from the Specialised Technical Committee Ministerial Meeting to develop a continental transmission master plan and electricity market in Africa.

In the Prime Minister of Egypt opening speech, Egypt announced that it will champion the development and implementation the Continental Transmission Master Plan and provides the technical support required.

Representing the AUDA-NEPAD Communications Unit, I used the opportunity to have a one-on-one interview with Prof Mosad Elmissiry, AUDA-NEPAD’s Special Energy Advisor to the CEO on the proposed Continental Transmission Master Plan and the introduction of competitive energy market for the North Africa Region. 

Below is what he had to say:

Q: Prof, as the AUDA-NEPAD Advisor on Energy, please explain the role that AUDA-NEPAD needs to play to ensure that the Continental Transmission Master Plan  is implemented and becomes a success.

AUDA-NEPAD needs to continue playing the leading role and finalise the terms of reference of the consultancy team in collaboration with AUC ,AFDB,UNECA  taking into account  the recommendations that came out of the consultations carried out by AUDA-NEPAD Team with all the Power Pools and also the recommendations made by the experts meeting held on 23-25 November2019 and included representations  of all power pools, the RECs,AUC,AFDB,UNECA ,AFSEC,AFREC ,EU ,regional and international partners and Institutions. Once the TOR are finalised ,AUDA –NEPAD needs to work closely with Egypt who is championing the development and Implementation of the Continental Transmission Network and develop a road map for the development of the master plan taking into account the technical  and financial assistances expressed by the development partners. 

AUDA-NEPAD needs to beef up the staff complement of its energy team with experts in the electrical fields to  attend  to the technical issues and  to ensure  the seamless development of a credible  Continental Transmission Master Plan .

associated with the development of credible master plan of the Continental Transmission Network

Q: What will this Continental Transmission Masterplan achieve in terms of lighting Africa? Does it mean that Africa will cease to have power shortages?

The main purpose of the Continental master plan is to identify the most economical sources of electricity generation in Africa, connect all the African Power Utilities together within each power pool, find the most economic connections between the power pools together forming continental Transmission Network and to come up with the most economical connection between Africa as whole and Europe, Asia and the Gulf States .Eventually ,any country in Africa will be part of both regional and continental electricity markets and will have the opportunity to source electricity from any regional or continental  competitive power generation source . Load shedding and power shortage will be then something of the past.

Q: North Africa has a Strategic  geographical location-  an important gateway  to Europe, Asia and the Gulf States. How will this strategic location benefit the Continent in terms of trade facilitation between Africa and the rest of the world?

AUDA-NEPAD when it came up with its visionary initiative of Continental transmission Network was cognisant of the strategic location of North Africa being the gate to the rest of the world. .For example , the Continental Transmission Network will be connected to Europe via the existing ling between Morocco and Spain and planned connections of Egypt to Cyprus ,Algeria and Tunisia to France/Italy  ,.Also the network will be connected to Asia through the existing link between Egypt and Jordanand will be connected to the Gulf Stated via the link between Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

Such connections will create the largest energy market not only within Africa but worldwide.

This will eventually open an opportunity for Africa to import/export electrical power with the rest of the world making use of the strategic location of the North Africa Region.

Q: What are the best practices that the North Africa Region can learn from the Southern Africa Power Pool, SAPP?

The gradual introduction of the competitive electricity market, starting with few countries first and extending it to the rest of North African countries. Also, the effective and timely system of payment of electricity deals concluded. Also, the effective regional control centre that ensure electricity trade without losing the network stability  

Q: Lastly, what advice would you give energy experts and policy makers in member states in North Africa Region who will be tasked in ensuring that this Continental Transmission Masterplan becomes as a success, not only for the Region but for the Continent as a whole?

For the energy experts to work closely with the consultancy team and provide the accurate information and data required for the development of the master plan.

As for the policy makers to promptly respond and create the conducive environment for the implementation of the master plan for the continental transmission network through introducing the appropriate policies, legal framework and regulations.