Feb 04, 2022 | Basic page

Resource Mobilisation and Partnerships


Resource Mobilisation and PartnershipsIn 2021, AUDA-NEPAD developed its institutional-level Resource Mobilisation Strategy 2021-2024 and associated Implementation Action Plan. The Strategy aims to ensure adequate resources are mobilised towards supporting the execution of the AU’s programmes and projects. It also aims to secure a funding pipeline that will attract the required resources to execute the core functions and achieve the planned organisational results at all levels. The three-year Action Implementation Plan will mobilise capital of at least USD 100 Million by 2024 and introduce new streams of capital and increase contributions form member states. The new Strategy strengthens:

  • Smooth management of renewal of legal frameworks of partnerships

  • Clear division of labour and effective coordination of new partnerships 

  • Internal capacity and expertise transfer in negotiations

  • Alignment of AU rules and regulations on partnership engagement

  • Alignment to Agenda 2063, AUDA-NEPAD flagship Projects and common priority areas defined by member states and partners 

During the period under review, AUDA-NEPAD incepted, negotiated, and managed more than 20 technical and legal frameworks. Several memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and memoranda of cooperation (MoCs) were signed.

Resource Mobilisation and Partnerships tableFunding proposals of over USD 25 million are currently under review with the AfDB on PIDA PAP2 tranche negotiations and disbursement; the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) on the African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII4) Initiative Phase 4; the European Union Institutional Support; AFREXIM on the three-year programme support; Columbia Cooperation; and UNCCD. 

Annual consultations with existing partners were held with the German Government, JICA, Chinese Government through the Chinese Permanent Representation to the African Union as well as AUDA-NEPAD’s interaction and participation in the G20 coordinated.

AUDA-NEPAD also strengthened collaboration between the African Union and United Nations aimed at leveraging the regional coordination platform of the AU and UN systems on programme funding and budget.

New emerging partner countries based on their expression of interest or on their international commitments were engaged. These include Belgium, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States.

As part of its efforts to leverage innovative health financing, AUDA-NEPAD’s Development Fund received resource mobilisation support from Member States and the European Union to implement the Africa Medicines Agency (AMA). The Fund also facilitated technical cooperation and programme funding for the African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII4) Initiative. This is an AUDA-NEPAD Continent-wide programme to improve the quality of STI policies at national, regional and continental levels by strengthening Africa’s capacity to develop and use STI indicators.