
CoP 5 Revised Action Plan 2020

COP5 Revised Action Plan 2020.xlsx

Here is a brief summary of the activities of our CoP (more details you will find in the attached action plan):

  • Next Online Meetings:
  • June: Online Meeting on Survey Results and country exchange: presentation by Aya Abdelkareem on setting-up local employment dialogues in Jordan
  • June: 1st Online Meeting with ACTIRIS on multi-stakeholder management in the Belgian PES
  • July: 2nd Online Meeting with ACTIRIS on implementing the youth guarantee


  • Virtual Study Tour to explore international best practices examples (September tbc)
  • Physical Study Tour possibly to an African location to learn about good practices and success stories on the continent (November, tbc)
  • Development of Guidelines – in order to support the technical exchange in the CoP and the development of guidelines in a co-creative process with the CoP members, we are contracting an international consultant (hopefully to start working with us from July onwards). The Guideline development process should be launched as soon as the international consultant is onboard to then continuously and in a co-creative process work in the CoP on the structure and key inputs for the Guideline document (all further exchange on international good practices will feed into this final document).