Oct 24, 2019 | Project

Private Sector Voices: Nigeria

The unemployment rate in Nigeria is increasing and is particularly affecting the youth. The challenge lies in the way trainings are delivered, which is  too academic, top-down and not practical enough, this highly affects the employability of graduates as having the right set of skills better equips them to find jobs than purely academical knowledge.

In the video below we hear from private sector representatives in Nigeria as they express their perspectives on skills development, youth employment and the role of the private sector. The directors note how important it is for private sector companies to invest more resources into internships and apprenticeships so that youth can get trained on-the-job and understand the needs and habits of companies. Furthermore, the need for a skills policy from the government is expressed to be one of the main drivers of effective skills development and employment.  

Watch the video to learn more 


Featured in this video: 

Folusho Samuel, Director of Projects - NECA

Tony Arenyeka, Managing Director - Truckmasters

Azu Azuike, CSR Education Manager, Total Nigeria

Elizabeth Mordi, Director General, PAN Learning Center