Expert Group on Digital Content Development for Employability Skills Training

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Expert Group on Digital Content Development for Employability Skills Training

This Community of Practice (CoP) serves a knowledge generation and exchange platform on the topics of digital content development and the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in skills development. It comprises of an interdisciplinary group of members with a broad variety of backgrounds in the fields of instructional design, media and technology for learning, employability and entrepreneurial skills. Their expertise is built on ongoing practical work on the ground and engagement with the end beneficiaries of the intervention: the youth.

This CoP curates OER for Employability and Entrepreneurial Skills Training and generates a common curriculum to prepare graduates with work-ready skills. Its results will feed into the continental dialogue and exchange on these topics.

This is a joint initiative of AUDA-NEPAD and the Commonwealth Association of Technical Universities and Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA-ATUPA).