Mar 11, 2024 | News

Strengthening Africa’s Development: Uniting Efforts through Collaboration

“Egypt’s vision in light of its current chairmanship of the  Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee of the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD, is focused on accelerating both economic integration and the implementation of the African Development Agenda 2063, as well as the objectives of the Continental Free Trade Agreement, while harnessing Egyptian expertise in the areas of infrastructure, energy, communications, industrial transformation, and food security, with the participation of the private sector, and in constant consultation with brothers in African countries. This is in addition to working to mobilise financial resources for priority areas for African countries by adopting the AUDA-NEPAD proposal to launch the Africa Team Resource Mobilisation Campaign initiative” said H.E. Dr Mostafa Madbouly Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt during 2023 BRICS Summit.

The aspirations of its people, encapsulated within the visionary blueprint, Agenda 2063 – “The Africa we want.” illuminate the journey towards Africa’s development.

Guided by the African Union (AU), this ambitious undertaking shapes a future of integration, prosperity, and peace driven by its citizens. In alignment with this vision, Agenda 2063 unfolds through ten-year implementation plans, crafting a roadmap of development goals and targets.

In this spirit of collaboration, AUDA-NEPAD, the AU Commission, and AfCFTA embarked on a joint programming initiative with the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). This multi-institutional collaboration aims to roll-out the Agenda 2063 Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan (STYIP) to regional and national levels, as prerequisites for regional integration. The program, supported by evidence-based approaches and tools such as foresight planning,  encompasses strong coordination, resource mobilization, knowledge sharing, and best practices dissemination.

As we reflect on the first decade of Agenda 2063, spanning 2014 to 2023, we find a tapestry of progress with varying shades. Across the spectrum of development, from coherence among Member States to collective action among regional and continental AU institutions, strides have been made. However, it’s important to acknowledge that certain milestones remain unmet, such as reduction in child marriages, child trafficking and coverage of sanitation services. This awareness is the guiding light for the Second Ten Year Implementation Plan (STYIP), an audacious blueprint to accelerate progress while maintaining the right speed and scale.” said Simon Kisira, Programme Evaluation Head at AUDA-NEPAD.

The STYIP espouses seven “moonshot” and a set of ambitious but realistic targets that address Africa’s complexities head-on. These goals demand substantial resources – financial investment, interdisciplinary expertise, and advanced technologies.

Acknowledging the pivotal role of RECs, the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) employs the principle of regional integration to coordinate and execute priority projects across the continent. Herein lies the synergy between RECs and AUDA-NEPAD – a “hand and glove” collaboration that fuels socio-economic integration on a grand scale, promoting wealth creation, job opportunities, population health, and elevated living standards.

Yet, success hinges on systematic coordination and collaboration. By  aligning the AU Commission, AUDA-NEPAD, RECs, and member states through joint programming, planning, and execution, a robust ecosystem for development emerges. This coordinated approach enhances the scope of work, resource mobilization, measurement of progress, and dissemination of impactful results.

With Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implemented under a common framework, strong collaboration becomes paramount across socio-economic sectors and governmental levels. The integration of national development strategies with continental objectives, as articulated in the STYIP targets, calls for institutional coordination and cross-sectoral collaboration.

In this context, AUDA-NEPAD pioneers a joint programming initiative with RECs in collaboration with other AU institutions like the AU Commission and AfCFTA. This multi-institutional collaboration seeks to maximize the benefits of regional integration, bolstered by solid coordination between RECs and continental AU institutions. By emphasizing collaborative planning, joint resource mobilization, and enhanced measurement of results, this initiative champions exchanging knowledge, utilizing best practices, and a continuous learning journey.

We have identified priority programs through meticulous applied research, consultations, and on-ground engagement. These programs, anchored in REC-based implementation strategies, encompass diverse sectors, including health systems, infrastructure, climate change, and innovation. The success of these endeavors rests upon the pillars of collaboration, coordination, joint planning, and resource mobilization.

The heartbeat of Team Africa – comprising the AUC, AUDA-NEPAD, and RECs – synchronizes with member states and specialized continental institutions to ensure the effective execution of these priority programs. Through knowledge sharing and the propagation of best practices, Team Africa fosters development efforts across the continent. Under the stewardship of Team Africa and critical stakeholders, these coordinated continental and regional integration endeavours will undoubtedly steer Africa toward economic transformation, sustainable development, inclusive growth, poverty alleviation, and improved livelihoods for all.

The collaborative spirit embraced within the AU’s regional integration agenda is poised to become a powerful mechanism driving the realization of Agenda 2063’s Second Ten-Year Plan, both at the regional and continental levels. This implementation arrangement promises to bolster the support extended to the AU Member States as they work towards their national development plans, thus contributing to the collective continental endeavour of bringing the aspirations of the African people, enshrined in Agenda 2063, to vibrant fruition.