Mar 11, 2024 | News

Powering Africa’s Future by 2063: Making Electricity Accessible for Everyone

At the last African Union Summit held in February 2024, two major initiatives took centre stage: the African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) and the Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP). These initiatives were endorsed at the summit as flagship projects of Africa’s long-term development strategy, Agenda 2063. Essentially, they aim to ensure universal access to electricity and to put the continent on a solid sustainable socio-economic development path.

Agenda 2063, the continent’s strategic framework for socio-economic transformation, envisions an Africa characterised by sustainable development, inclusive growth, and integrated infrastructure. Energy is the lifeblood of development, crucial for powering industries, improving living standards, and driving economic growth.  Central to the Agenda 2063 vision is the AfSEM and the CMP, which aligns with Agenda 2063’s aspirations for industrialisation, economic diversification, and regional integration through the development of a robust continental power infrastructure.

The African Single Electricity Market (AfSEM) aims to establish a comprehensive marketplace for electricity throughout Africa, interconnecting various power pools to facilitate easier electricity trade between countries. This initiative promises increased stability, reduced electricity prices, and enhanced accessibility for all. On the other hand, the Continental Power Systems Masterplan (CMP) represents a strategic blueprint for enhancing and modernising Africa’s power systems. It encompasses a wide range of initiatives, including the construction of new power plants and interconnectors complimented by the modernisation of existing transmission lines, essentially revitalising Africa’s energy infrastructure on a significant scale.

Being recognised as flagship projects boosts the status and visibility of CMP and AfSEM, garnering increased attention and support from stakeholders such as governments, international organizations, and investors, which streamlines the implementation process. Additionally, endorsement as flagship projects ensures enhanced political backing and commitment from African governments, increasing the likelihood of receiving sustained attention, resources, including funding and technical assistance, to overcome implementation challenges and achieve their objectives as key priorities of Agenda 2063.

Following this endorsement, the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD) held a two-day stakeholder consultation on 21-22 February.  During the workshop stakeholders deliberated on Deliverables 2 and 3 of the CMP, pivotal components in advancing the masterplan’s objectives. Deliverable 2 encompasses Transmission Network Scenario Studies, which provide critical insights into the optimal configuration of Africa’s power transmission infrastructure to facilitate efficient electricity trade and integration. Deliverable 3, on the other hand, pertains to Multiple Energy Project Prioritisation Criteria, offering a framework for assessing and prioritising energy projects based on their socio-economic impact, technical feasibility, and environmental sustainability.

In addition to endorsing Deliverables 2 and 3, the workshop aimed to secure ownership and commitment from all stakeholders involved in the development of the CMP. This collaborative approach ensures that the CMP’s implementation remains inclusive, drawing upon the expertise and resources of diverse stakeholders, including the African Union Commission, AUDA-NEPAD, Power Pools, Regional Economic Communities, European Union, African Development Bank, the French Development Agency, International Renewable Energy Agency, International Atomic Energy Agency, Power African, Get.Pro and other key institutions.

As Africa embarks on the next phase of Agenda 2063 implementation, the endorsement of AfSEM and CMP as flagship projects marks a significant milestone in the continent’s journey towards sustainable development and prosperity. By harnessing the power of regional cooperation and strategic planning, Africa is poised to unlock its vast energy potential, driving economic growth, and improving the quality of life for millions across the continent.